Wed 19 Jan 2022 10:20 - 10:45 at Salon I - Automated Verification Chair(s): Roberto Giacobazzi

This paper shows that a variety of software model-checking algorithms can be seen as proof-search strategies for a non-standard proof system, known as a \emph{cyclic proof system}. Our use of the cyclic proof system as a logical foundation of software model checking enables us to compare different algorithms, to reconstruct well-known algorithms from a few simple principles, and to obtain soundness proofs of algorithms for free. Among others, we show the significance of a heuristics based on a notion that we call \emph{maximal conservativity}; this explains the cores of important algorithms such as property-directed reachability (PDR) and reveals a surprising connection to an efficient solver of games over infinite graphs that was not regarded as a kind of PDR.

Wed 19 Jan

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10:20 - 12:00
Automated VerificationPOPL at Salon I
Chair(s): Roberto Giacobazzi University of Verona
Research paper
Software Model-Checking as Cyclic-Proof SearchRemote
Takeshi Tsukada Chiba University, Hiroshi Unno University of Tsukuba; RIKEN AIP
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Research paper
Induction Duality: Primal-Dual Search for InvariantsRemote
Oded Padon VMware Research; Stanford University, James R. Wilcox Certora, Jason R. Koenig Stanford University, Kenneth L. McMillan University of Texas at Austin, Alex Aiken Stanford University
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Research paper
Solving Constrained Horn Clauses Modulo Algebraic Data Types and Recursive FunctionsRemote
Hari Govind V K University of Waterloo, Sharon Shoham Tel Aviv University, Arie Gurfinkel University of Waterloo
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Research paper
Solving String Constraints with Regex-Dependent Functions through Transducers with Priorities and VariablesRemote
Taolue Chen Birkbeck University of London, Alejandro Flores Lamas Royal Holloway University of London, Matthew Hague Royal Holloway University of London, Zhilei Han Tsinghua University, Denghang Hu Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shuanglong Kan TU Kaiserslautern, Anthony Widjaja Lin TU Kaiserslautern; MPI-SWS, Philipp Ruemmer Uppsala University, Zhilin Wu Institute of Software at Chinese Academy of Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
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