Registered user since Wed 8 Dec 2021
Name:Stefano Forti
Stefano Forti received the PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Pisa with a thesis on “Deployment and Management of Fog Applications”. Previously, he received the MSc degree in Computer Science and Networking jointly from the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy and the University of Pisa, Pisa, where he is currently a Post-Doc researcher at the Department of Computer Science. His current research interests include Fog, Cloud, and service-oriented computing and formal methods and algorithms.
Affiliation:University of Pisa
Personal website: http://pages.di.unipi.it/forti/
Research interests:fog computing, software engineering, application lifecycle management, quality of service, automated reasoning
Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages
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