Registered user since Wed 20 Jan 2016
Name:Richard A. Eisenberg
Principal Researcher at Tweag. I believe that clever application of theory can eliminate a great deal of programmer errors – specifically, I think fancy types and functional programming are the future. I completed my PhD in 2016 at University of Pennsylvania working under Stephanie Weirich; my dissertation topic was the integration of dependent types into the Haskell programming language. I am a core contributor to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) and Chair of the Board of Directors at the Haskell Foundation.
Personal website: https://richarde.dev/
Research interests:Programming Languages, Dependent Types
- Invisible arguments: language design (discussion)
- Organizer in Program Committee within the WITS 2022-track
- Session Chair of Session 5 (part of WITS 2022)
- Session Chair of Session 2 (part of WITS 2022)
- Session Chair of Session 3 (part of WITS 2022)
- Type-aware equational rewriting (discussion)
- Session Chair of Session 4 (part of WITS 2022)
- Session Chair of Session 1 (part of WITS 2022)
POPL 2022-profile
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