Registered user since Thu 14 Aug 2014
Name:Qirun Zhang
Qirun Zhang is an assistant professor in the School of Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology. His general research interests are in programming languages and software engineering, focusing on developing new static program-analysis frameworks to improve software reliability. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2013. He received a PLDI 2020 Distinguished Paper Award and an Amazon Research Award in Automated Reasoning.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Georgia Institute of Technology
Personal website: http://helloqirun.github.io/
Research interests:Program analysis
- Program Analysis via Graph Reachability: Past, Present, and Future [Part B]
- Session Chair of Algorithmic Verification 1 (part of POPL)
- Session Chair of Algorithmic Verification 2 (part of POPL)
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the POPL-track
- Efficient Algorithms for Dynamic Bidirected Dyck-Reachability
POPL 2022-profile
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