Registered user since Wed 31 Dec 2014
David Van Horn is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) at the University of Maryland, College Park. His research interests are in programming languages and formal methods, where he works toward making the construction of reusable, trusted software components possible and effective. He publishes regularly in the flagship SIGPLAN conferences, POPL, PLDI, OOPSLA, and ICFP, and his work has been recognized with a National Science Foundation CAREER Award, a CRA Computing Innovation Fellowship, a Communications of the ACM Research Highlight, an OOPSLA Distinguished Paper Award, and several invitations to special issues of the Journal of Functional Programming devoted to ICFP. He is the co-author of “Realm of Racket,” an illustrated book on programming video games, written and illustrated with eight undergraduate students. He is devoted to broadening participation in computer science and is currently serving as Chair of the ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop @ ICFP.
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