Registered user since Sun 23 Nov 2014
Started hacking on compilers & web-development tools in the late 1990s. Finished CS undergrad at Carnegie Mellon in 2003 and CS PhD at Berkeley in 2007, picking up mechanized proof of executable, decently practical systems with Coq as a main focus in between. Postdoc at Harvard through 2011, then faculty at MIT since. Author of Certified Programming with Dependent Types, a popular online & in-print introduction to using Coq at scale. Lately into building practical but clean-slate hardware-software stacks with end-to-end Coq proofs of everything digital, at the same time as developing a startup-company idea to trick ordinary people into using dependent types (with Ur/Web) to generate their business applications.
- Session Chair of Invited Talk (part of POPL)
- Verified Tensor-Program Optimization Via High-Level Scheduling Rewrites
- Virtualization Chair Report
- Virtualization Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Co-chair in Selection Committee within the Virtual Workshop-track
- Certifying Derivation of State Machines from Coroutines
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